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Collegeville 物业正规棋牌游戏平台棋牌正规游戏平台



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Collegeville 物业正规棋牌游戏平台棋牌正规游戏平台


The area which is present day Collegeville was part of the original William Penn purchase of "All the l和 lying on the Pahkehoma" in 1684. In 1799, Perkiomen Bridge was constructed using funds raised from a special lottery approved by the Pennsylvania Legislature. When the first post office in this area was established in 1847, it was called Perkiomen Bridge. In 1832, the first school for primary 和 secondary students was established 和 it was later renamed Freel和 Public School in 1844. 1848年,亨利. Hunsicker built the "Freel和 Seminary of Perkiomen Bridge." Village around the school became known as Freel和. In 1851, Abraham Hunsicker established the Pennsylvania Female College near present day Glenwood Avenue. Ten years later, in 1861, the post office was moved 和 renamed Freel和. 资料来源:维基百科